A Moment In Time … Past | Present | Future


A moment in time, that’s all we have. Whether that’s the moment with a loved one, our children, sharing creativity through our work, watching our favourite movies or you reading this right now. The past experiences we have lived have created the person we see in the mirror today and hopefully we have grown from the lessons we learned through those failures and successes.

The present experience we are living gives us the freedom to pursue our passion and sets our soul on fire, I hope you can find the courage to embark on that journey. My life mission is to ‘Inspire people to achieve what they believe was once impossible'. I do that through the art of Storytelling. I do it because it first and foremost is incredibly FUN which if I had a core value that would be it. If I can have fun then I can inspire others to have fun and share their gifts with the world which ultimately will allow the world to be a pretty wicked place to live.

Take your mind to the top of a snow capped mountain, looking out into a clear star filled night, sat around a toasty campfire roasting marshmallows. Surround yourself with all the people you hold most dear and those who you helped and whom helped you in some way on your journey in life. The night is filled with people sharing stories and memories of their life and how everyone there was part of it. Laughter, love, joy, positivity is in abundance and a deep human connection is present in every individual.

At the end of my time on this Earth this is the moment I want to experience. It drives me to do what I can to live with wholehearted Fun in my life. With Passion & Purpose. To Inspire. Most importantly bring as many people to the top of that mountain with me to share those memories … most likely add a hot chocolate to those marshmallows too.